On Thursday, I and a couple others from my group met with Dr. Shorey, who was interested in being our faculty advisor. Dr. Shorey is probably my favorite professor that I have yet met at Mines. He's a paleoclimatologist who teaches in the Geology department, and I am so fond of his teaching method that I went out of my way to have him again this semester. He uploads all his lecture powerpoints to his website-- but a lot of professors do that. He also has a podcast series for every topic he lectures on-- if you miss a class, you can go and listen to the lecture. Best of all, he has a list of objectives for every subject, things that might apper on the test. He talks a lot about things that are not objectives, and many of these things are fascinating, but having the objectives makes note-taking and studying vastly easier. But none of these are why I like him so much. I like him because he is incredibly enthusiastic about what he does. I love it.
So Dr. Shorey was interested in being our advisor. He runs the AV club, offered to help us do podcasts, or take videos of speakers to share. He has some great ideas about speakers and discussions we can have. He brought the same enthusiasm to us that he brings to the classroom. This makes me very happy; having a faculty advisor who is so enthusiastic and so on board will make this all very much easier. So we got him to sign our paperwork, and I turned it in that afternoon.
Less than an hour later I had an email to set up our orgsync page. Orgsync is the website that all student groups are encouraged to use for organization, scheduling, and such. I got it set up, created events for our upcoming meeting and for Ask An Atheist Day, invited all the group members for which I had contact info. I also set up a twitter account for us (@SSACSM), and through orgsync, set up a website.
We will hopefully be made official on tuesday, that being the next time the student board meets, and they need to approve our application. I submitted the application to officially affiliate with the SSA, with a note that we were not yet official but would be, soon. We've got the lecture hall reserved for our introductory meeting on Thursday, and fliers are up advertising it. I've been working on my presentation/talk for that meeting. I've also found out who I need to talk to in order to set up a table for Ask An Atheist Day.
I said it before, but I will say it again: here we go!
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