It's finals week, which normally means people are extremely busy and stressed, studying for exams. I've never been the type to stress over exams, and while I'll do a bit of studying, I'm not particularly worried. But I am stressing and busy with something else-- the Tyson Project, as I have started thinking of it.
$40,000 is a lot of money, and expenses add a couple thousand to the total-- $50,000 is a very high guess, but a good number to start with. Always estimate high, and then not have to worry when things are more expensive than planned. And since I do not plan to count on ticket sales (even though I know I could), it's a very, very daunting number.
I talked with the Colorado regional coordinator for the SSA. He was initially optimistic, offering ideas of people to talk to about getting money, but then he talked with someone higher up and told me that he didn't think it was possible. He mentioned that the largest speaking fee his group had ever raised was $1,000, and that they had trouble with that. I am not going to let that stop me... but it does put it into perspective a bit.
Fortunately, I talked with my sister, and while she says that she finds the price offensive, she also offered some good advice about getting money. It's kind of her job, so I really appreciate the advice. The big thing that she mentioned today that is occupying my thoughts is this: people are more likely to give money to a group they have seen doing good for the community. Which makes a lot of sense-- get attention for and from the school, and we're more likely to get help from them (and others) with raising money.
The problem is, I'm not sure what big things we can do over the summer to get such attention. There are several things I can think of for service. The first is raising money to donate to a charity-- a worthy thing, but since we are going to be trying to get a lot of money for Tyson, I don't want to tap too much into people's funds before then. The second is to volunteer for an existing organization-- again, a worthy thing, but it won't get a lot of attention for our group. The third is what I am looking for-- something we can do on our own that will be good but not cost a lot of money, since we don't have a lot.
Ideally, I'd like to get a lot of people together for something big, something where we can get media attention. If a local news station-- or even a paper, or news website, but something official-- covers a service project of ours, we can point to it to show potential donors what we are about. But I don't know what.
I'd love to organize a small-scale version of Camp Quest, since starting one of those in the Denver area is one of our long-term goals. I don't know that we have the resources, and I can't be there during the day during the week, so I really doubt we could do it. But if we could it would be great.
Ugh. Need to have a brainstorming session, but getting people together for such a thing turns out to be fairly difficult.